Reading Korczak
From October 2023 to January 2024
Reading Korczak
Workshops in Venice’s primary and secondary schools in conjunction with the Barchetta Blu Association and the Benedetto Marcello Conservatory.
The goal is to set up a class court, as Korczak did, to analyse real cases put forward by children, discuss disputes and develop community life rules.
The following can be organised:
– 30 individual meetings per class (as in 2022-23);
– 4 cycles of 3 meetings the first of which is in the classroom with a Korczak expert, the second in the classroom to set up the children’s court, including in conjunction with Legalmente minore and lawyer Marina Cottignola, and the third at the Conservatory involving listening actively to a mini musical work in the context of the Narrare in musica festival.
An educational and information-giving session with educators and teachers taking part in workshops on Korczak is also planned.
Like last year a Bosco di libri – a book forest – will be organised involving books by, and on, Korczak and the themes he worked for at the Conservatory.
For information contact Barchetta Blu, the association which will be managing relations with schools for matters such as enrolment and calendars with dates and times.