
“Il Sogno di Korczak” hits the stage in January: we look forward to seeing you at the Conservatory in Venice!

3 November 2023

The Korczak Institute for New Music is pleased to announce that Wednesday, 31 January at the Concert Room of the Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello in Venice, “Il Sogno di Korczak”, the musical opera for children, Winner of the International Award for arrangement “Korczak’s Children’s World”, will be performed on stage.

“Il Sogno di Korczak” is a mini opera loosely based on the life of Janusz Korczak and on his book “The Child’s Right to Respect”.
The lyrics and music by Paolo Notargiacomo have received recognition in the First International Competition for the composing of new music for children organised by the Conservatorio “B. Marcello” in collaboration with our Institute.

Admission is free subject to seating availability and the reservation is to be made by email by writing to ufficio.stampa@conservatoriovenezia.eu.

See you in Venice in January 2024!

The Korczak Institute for New Music